Tuesday, 16 April 2013

New project!!

So as we finished up our last project, our letter forms were put on exhibition today and everyone has been given a new brief. Celebrate ordinary objects by designing a poster and tagline for the object. Celebrating its qualities and showing 'visually' how wonderful it really is, (perhaps not let it be taken for granted!!)... We were all given  different everyday object, from a pencil to a disposable razor to tape.... I picked ('from a hat' - or more a box) the ballpoint pen.

And so I have researched the history behind it and how it has been manufactured, Iv'e come across  its design faults throughout the years and why it was even invented.

1935-The Biro brothers originally came up with idea to have a pen that one did not need to top up with ink so often, trying to get rid of the fountain pen, that could ofter be very messy leaving smudges on ones page.

Eventually Marcel Bic brought out the ballpoint bic in 1952, a fully functioning pen (with practically no design flaws), that is hugely popular today. A household utensil.

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