I discussed adding more to the paper hangings I did last Wednesday and she gave me some helpful suggestions. I have photo copied a number of A3 sheets of the marks made by my nephew and sister while they were listening to music and stuck them down on paper. I plan to cut around the shapes, making it look almost like a giant stencil, onto something like Chris Natrop's work, but also place wire behind the piece to give it structure and make it handy for me to bend it like the last ones.
Last night I made my own marks while listening to music. Something I should have done at the beginning of the whole experiment... Don't know why I didn't, silly really!!
The first three images are marks made while listening to music by a band, The XX. The songs crystalised and intro. This music gives a much more softer feel to the marks then aposed to the last two images, where the marks are rougher. Here I listened to Mason's Apron by the Dubliners.