Thursday, 21 March 2013


So today I was drawing thumbnails of the things associated with the words anarchy and asunder, (to try and get ideas, good ideas, rolling).

I'm not so sure about how productive it was, but I did decided to go with the word asunder, with the image of the letter falling apart! My thoughts were that anarchy was too obvious and generic of a word to deal with this particular theme!
After a chat with one of the tutors, I'm not so sure about what I have been doing, which is good in one sense, at least now I know I need to push things a lot more... but I was VERY and am now a bit confused as to what I should do next.

Her thoughts were that anarchy will be too difficult. She explained to me that the task is not to be illustrative and stressed the point that I must concentrate on the letter form itself to convey the message/word.

[ I used photo shop (not too well) to layer coins on top of one another, leaning inwards to try and create the form of A.]

Got interrupted yesterday, the college was closing and as my laptop is out of action I had to return this morning and finish what I wanted to blog yesterday.... It was suggested to me that perhaps I change my word. Look at absorbed and relate it to the brief!! At first I wasn't sure and told my tutor I was going to stick with asunder. She explained that I could get something really interesting out of it, but I stood on the whole asunder theme!!

However, I was thinking it over last night, did a brainstorm, generated some ideas and now I'm thinking it was pretty good advice. Absorbed... How we the people had become a nation of materialistic mofos and now during the recession have become absorbed by the lack of money. Absorbed with our own self, ones wellbeing.

Making my letter form out of sponge and have it seeping back into it was a suggesting, a good one, suggested to me yesterday. I definitely think there is something there.

I'm going to develop my ideas over the next 2 weeks, during Easter holidays and when I come back I will have not only the word but the whole idea and be able to work on perfecting it for that week

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